We build our Health Equity Strategy (HES) with input from our consumers, the public, staff, and our health service partners.

Our HES shapes and inform us with our partners and the public as we apply this in our workplace.  We will review the HES every 3 years to measure our success.

Our 6 key focus areas are:

  • remove racial discrimination and institutional racism
  • increase access to healthcare services
  • influence the social, cultural and economic controls of health
  • deliver sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare services
  • work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to design, deliver, monitor and review health services
  • strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health workforce.

Read our Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 [PDF 2660.6 KB].

Implementation plan

The next step is our implementation plan, which details how we’re going to achieve the commitments set out in the strategy.

Read our HES Implementation plan [PDF 1651.95 KB].