Respiratory conditions continue circulating in Torres and Cape

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Dr Ineke Wever


  • Respiratory conditions continue to circulate across Cape York, the Torres Strait, and the Northern Peninsula Area.
  • Acting Executive Director of Medical Services Dr Ineke Wever said it was important residents continued taking measures to protect themselves and others.

Respiratory conditions are continuing to circulate across Cape York, the Torres Strait, and the Northern Peninsula Area, as they are across Queensland.

Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Acting Executive Director of Medical Services Dr Ineke Wever said it was important residents continued taking measures to protect themselves and others.

“Respiratory illnesses are surging across Queensland and we are still a month away from the peak of the flu season. We also have a new strain of COVID-19 circulating,’’ she said.

“As always, vaccination remains our best protection against some respiratory conditions, such as influenza, COVID-19, and pertussis (whooping cough) and helps reduce hospitalisations.

“I encourage all residents to ensure their COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters, are up to date. These can be accessed through our primary health care centres.

“The 2024 seasonal influenza vaccine is free for everyone and is readily available. Everyone should ensure they are vaccinated.

“Flu strains change annually, which is why a new vaccine comes out each year to cover the new strains.

“Each year’s seasonal flu vaccine is a safe vaccine for children and is offered annually to everyone older than six months of age.

“With pertussis, vaccination is recommended for pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation and has been shown to prevent whooping cough in infants during the first six months of life.

“Protection against pertussis also is included in the routine vaccinations given to children at two months, four months and six months of age and boosters given at 18 months and four years of age, as well as Year 7 at school.

“It is very important that all young children are up to date with their vaccinations.

“It is also important that people with coughing illnesses avoid contact with infants less than six months of age until a diagnosis is made and they are no longer infectious.

“A booster dose of pertussis vaccine also is recommended for any adult who wants to reduce the risk of infection and hasn't had a booster in the past 10 years.’’

Dr Wever said good hygiene also was very important in preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses such as common colds, influenza, COVID-19, pertussis and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

“Always wash your hands with sanitiser, cover your coughs, put tissues straight in the bin and stay away from other people if you or they are sick,’’ she said.

“Practising social distancing by staying at least 1.5 metres away will mean coughs and sneezes don’t reach another person’s face.

“Wearing a mask also is highly recommended to avoid transmitting a respiratory condition to others, or to protect yourself from people around you who might have a respiratory condition.

“If you get the flu, you should stay home and rest and drink plenty of fluids until symptoms have resolved, which is usually 5-7 days.

“If you or your family member is getting sicker, they may have fast or difficult breathing, have chest pains, be sleepy or say they are getting worse.

“If this happens, they should go to their doctor or clinic, as you may be suitable to receive anti- viral treatment. But you should seek care early, especially if you have other chronic conditions, as antivirals are only effective if started early – within the first couple of days of symptoms.

Dr Wever said 245 cases of influenza had been recorded across the Torres Strait, Cape York, and Northern Peninsula Area region so far this year, compared with 496 for the same year to date period last year.

For COVID-19, 170 cases had been reported so far this year, compared to 258 cases for the same period last year.

For whooping cough (pertussis), 35 cases have been recorded so far this year, compared to none for the same period last year.

“We have also recorded 199 cases of RSV so far this year, compared to 85 cases for the same period last year,’’ she said.

“A single RSV infection does not result in long-lasting protective immunity, and symptomatic illness tends to occur repetitively in children. Symptoms may include a runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, and headache.

“We encourage people to prevent the spread by practising good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette – just like for the flu, COVID-19, whooping cough and other respiratory conditions.’’