Falls can be a significant challenge for older adults, but the Thursday Island Falls Prevention Group at Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (TCHHS) is having a positive impact.
The aim of the Falls Prevention Group is to empower senior residents to stay strong and healthy, preventing falls - and have fun while they are doing it.
By incorporating exercises and yarning in a safe environment, they are helping seniors build confidence and stay active.
Classes are held for one hour per week on a Tuesday, with participants referred to a physiotherapist by their General Practitioner. The treating physiotherapist then assesses patient suitability for the Group.
TCHHS Allied Health Assistant Tari Shibasaki said that the classes are an inclusive and supportive environment.
“We have really seen a difference with all the ladies and men that come every Tuesday to our Falls Prevention Group.
“They are more confident with their exercising and tend to challenge themselves knowing they are in a safe environment with us nearby to assist,” she said.
The Fall Prevention Group has been so successful that education sessions from other Allied Health disciplines have now been incorporated into the class.
TCHHS Physiotherapist Betty Mareko said that there are many factors that can lead to increased risk of a fall.
“Fall prevention is not just about strength.
“There are many parts to healthy ageing. The education sessions make our Elders aware of the importance of mobility aids and equipment, foot screening, footwear and healthy eating,” she said.
TCHHS Allied Health Professional Lead Robyn Glynn has received positive feedback from participants.
“I’ve had people say that they are inspired by the Elders some of whom are in their 80’s, and that they always look forward to coming. The strengthening and knowledge about falls prevention, including home safety, enables safer participation in all aspects of daily living at home”.
TCHHS Executive General Manager North Marita Sagigi said that the Allied Health team were focused on empowering our community to continue to live independently and build relationships with community.
“These classes have demonstrated that there are physical, mental, social and emotional benefits for the participants.
“It is wonderful that these classes can be led by a stable, local workforce who are ensuring that culture is at the forefront of what we do.”