Torres and Cape facilities prepared for weather events

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Cape York, Torres Strait, and Northern Peninsula Area health facilities are well prepared for any potential cyclone or other weather events in the region.

Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Acting Disaster Management Executive Director Tony Coombs said preparations for summer started months in advance to ensure the region’s health facilities were ready.

“Whether it’s a cyclone, such as Cyclone Jasper in late 2023, floods, bushfire, or prolonged power outages, our region has seen it all,” he said.

“Natural disasters are unpredictable which is why preparation is important, not only for the health service, but everyone in the community.
“On a personal level, people need to have an emergency kit ready just in case they have to evacuate.
“An emergency kit containing long-life food, drinking water, a radio, a torch, spare batteries, and toiletries will help families stay safe if the shops are closed, or if water or power supplies are disrupted.

“You should also ensure you have enough medicines, including prescription medicines, to last you a week or so.

“And don’t forget supplies for your pets.

“If you are prepared and self-sufficient at home that will not only benefit your household but keep our emergency departments free for people who need urgent care.’’

Mr Coombs said every health facility in the Torres and Cape HHS had individual emergency management plans in place and staff members were familiar with these.

“When a cyclone forms or other natural disaster occurs, the plans for those facilities likely to be affected are activated,’’ he said.

“We have emergency generators at all our health facilities, and they are well supplied with adequate stocks of fuel.

“Our facilities are also well stocked with food and medical supplies.

“We also have emergency communication channels in place using satellite phones if needed.

“We have post-cyclone recovery plans in place to move relieving clinical staff and repair and maintenance teams quickly around the region to any affected facilities where they might be needed following a cyclone.

“All in all, all our health facilities are as prepared as they possibly can be.’’

Extensive disaster preparedness and recovery information, as well as disaster-related health information is available at these government websites: