Help with moving and travel costs

Our employees are eligible for the following benefits:

You may also be able to get:

  • flights for you and your partner (if applicable)
  • flights for your children
  • mileage allowance where relevant
  • relocation of personal belongings, including one vehicle.

Relocation options

We cover up to $5000 of your relocation costs.

You have 2 options to organise relocation for your personal belongings.

  1. Get 3 quotes from removalists and give them to your hiring manager, who will confirm which supplier to proceed with. If you choose this option, you are responsible for paying for the relocation costs up front. Then, you may claim for reimbursement.
  2. Use Kent Relocations, who will get quotes from a number of suppliers and work with your hiring manager to choose one. If you choose this option, Toll Transitions will invoice TCHHS directly.

We can only make arrangements for relocation once we get approval and a signed relocation agreement.

Please note if you cease to be employed within a certain period of time, you'll need to pay back your relocation reimbursements. Ask your hiring manager for more information.

Check Section 3.4.3 of our relocation procedure [PDF 132 kB]

Travelling to the communities

Use the following links to help find transport options between Cairns and the communities.

Cooktown (surrounding communities) Hinterland Aviation, Skytrans, RACQ trip planner
Horn Island Qantas, Skytrans
Northern Peninsula Area Skytrans, Peddells Ferry (from Thursday Island)RACQ trip planner
Thursday Island (via Horn) Rebel Marine
Torres Strait outer islands Skytrans
Weipa (surrounding communities) Qantas, Skytrans, RACQ trip planner

Mobile phone coverage

Parts of our region have limited or no mobile phone reception. Please check with your provider about coverage before arriving.

Orientation training

Use the following training to prepare before your first day on the job.

Pathways to access Rural and Remote Orientation and Training (PaRROT) - programs on primary health care, rural and remote health service provisions and chronic disease care.

Payroll, salary packaging and superannuation


  • Discuss the uniform/dress code for your work area with your line manager before you start.
  • On Fridays, it's tradition in a lot of the communities to wear floral clothes. We refer to it as Floral Fridays. We encourage you to take part in this local custom.

Other resources and education

Support for your emotional health and wellbeing