Seeing a specialist
Your doctor might ask you to see a specialist if you need some extra care for your illness or condition.
Some specialists only work at hospitals or health clinics. Others travel around the region to visit communities. To find out when, contact your local health centre or check our service finder.
Specialists can't do walk-in appointments. You should talk to your health centre or doctor if you'd like to see a specialist.
How to get an appointment
You need to get a referral to visit a specialist. This means that your doctor will write a letter to a specialist and ask them to see you.
The specialist will look at the referral and work out a time for your appointment. Then, the specialist's office will contact you to tell you when they can see you. Depending on the specialist, you might have your appointment:
- at one of our hospitals or health clinics
- at a community health centre near you
- on a video call (telehealth).
You might not get an appointment straight away. This can depend on:
- how urgent it is for you to get treatment
- whether a specialist is visiting your area soon
- if other patients need treatment sooner than you do.
Each hospital or specialist clinic has its own way of dealing with referrals.
Find out more about visiting an outpatient clinic on the Queensland Government website.
After your appointment
Remember to speak with your own doctor about the appointment. Your specialist should report back to your doctor with your results, diagnosis or treatment. If your doctor hasn't got them, ask them to call your specialist and chase it up.
Your doctor may have more information for you and be able to help you with the next step of your treatment. Make sure you know how to take your medication or treatment. If you can't remember, ask your pharmacist or doctor.